2009 Arizona
Team Trial Championships
There are a number of categories in Team Time Trials,
including Age Group, which this is. It is the combined ages of
the team members and also has a minimum age for the team. The
full requirement for our group is 250+ with no one under the age
of 60. The other three guys are early 60s so they need "the
ancient one." to meet the 250 end of it. The timing is taken on
the 3rd member crossing the finish line and for state
championship the distance is 40K. I think our time was 1:08:41.
Credits to Dick Reynolds #3563

FAA Airway
Facility Retirees - Kansas City, MO
Credit to Kermit Karns

Standing Left to Right: Don W. Lowrey, Paul K. Bohr,
Larry E. Jones, Earsa Lee Tankesley,
Paul A. Cormaci
Seated Left to Right: Kermit B. Karns #252, Dave Yates
This picture was taken at one of the breakfast meetings
held monthly by retirees of the former Joliet Flight Service
Station. The group meets monthly at Charlie's Restaurant at Clow
International Airport in Bolingbrook IL.
No, I never heard of Clow International Airport either.
But when I questioned my Joliet friends (who sent me the
picture) about it, they sent me an info sheet. So apparently it
is ligit. I think there is a story in there somewhere.
The Joliet FSS, by the way, is my choice for favorite
facility for inclusion in the 2009 Annual.
Thanks to Don Steeber #3593

Seated from left to right - first Row: Christine Nizetic,
Lois Linder, Mike Nizetic
Second Row: Floyd (Oscar) Linder, Elayne Rutz, Irv Rutz (since
Tom and Barb Jones visited the DTW Society
group for an small informal dinner on their worldly travels
around the United States this summer.
to Jim Holtsclaw #2738

Bob Ervin (Treasurer) #3517 and Jim Holtsclaw #2738

Tom Jones and Debbie Ervin

Dick and Marlene Wallerstedt #3617, Mel and Barbara White

Mary Jane and Rick Dawson #3535, Walter Wasielewski #3565

Debbie Ervin, Barbara and Tom Jones #2505

Thanks to Bob Earl #3212
"As I recall, Hap **Arnold**, signatory of
this directive was a notoriously poor pilot, others would go to
considerable lengths to avoid boarding an aircraft that had
Henry H. Arnold situated in the left seat...so I guess he was
using his stick-and-rudder competence level as a unit of
Jack Fellows
Tom & Barbara Jones came through Kansas
City last Sunday on their way to Michigan and other points. We
had a great visit and here is a picture we took on Father's Day.
Ted Beckloff #3558

His'self in
the driver's seat of the notorious Spruce Goose
I visited the Evergreen Flight Museum with
of a group of about twenty Flying Octogenarians on the 17th of
this month. We were extended a number of courtesies by the
museum, including a free flight-deck tour of the Spruce Goose
for two groups of five people. I was lucky enough to be
We were accompanied by a knowledeable docent who did not rush,
but told us to take our time. We probably spent about twenty
minutes on the huge flight deck which included seats for about
40 passengers, pilot, co-pilot, two flight engineers, radioman,
and navigator.
An interesting thing: I was so awed by the whole thing that I
did not focus on anything. For instance; As prominent as the two
blue handles to the left of the pilot's seat are, I didn't even
notice what they are for.
They took pictures of each of us and presented prints free. The
museum also provided a catered lunch for the group.
Bob Eskridge, 3253

David Muller
Memorial Luncheon
Marie Muller held a wonderful
memorial luncheon on Friday June 5, 2009 at Naples, Florida in
tribute to her loving husband David Muller, who passed away just
one month ago. Over 40 people attended the luncheon, many of
whom paid tribute to Dave by speaking of experiences they shared
with him. Dave, as many of you know, was a branch manager in the
old Airway Facilities Service and was picked to manage the
design and construction of the main building at the FAA
Technical Center. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend
the luncheon and take the pictures shown below. Marie did a
great job in pulling together various pictures and mementoes
from Dave's life. Click on the icons below to view each of the










The Detroit
Metro/SOAP Mini Reunion
March 6, 7, and 8 in Orlando Florida
Six of our “regulars” (and their wives), Ron and Gloria
Tuck, Lonnie and Odette Parrish, Jack and Dorothy Goslin, Floyd
and Judy Hedlund, Robert and Debbie Ervin, and Ted and Virginia
Beckloff, had hoped to attend, but had unavoidable medical
problems. They all said they were looking forward to next year.
*Yes, there will be a next year*, since it was unanimous that we
get together again the last part of March in 2010. Even with the
late cancellations, we had 28 people for dinner on Saturday
evening. This was our 5^th year for this fun time and it has
been a great place to see old friends and meet new ones. The
wives commented, as usual, that they have never seen a bunch of
guys with so many happy faces, just re-living old times and
talking about the past and future. We hope everyone will push to
get friends and former co-workers to join us next year. We will
be sending out the date for next year as soon as we can, so that
you will be able to mark your calendars and join us for a great
time in Orlando in 2010.
Tom Jones #2505

Ida and Mike Homa

Tom and Barbara Jones

Ed and Ann Malo

Mary Jane, Rick Dawson, Carol Campbell

Tom Jones and Jean Glick

Hank and Connie Anderson

Ed and Ann Malo, John and Suzanne Carey

Rick and Mary Jane Dawson, Carol Campbell

034 Gordon and Cheri Heritage

Joan and Howard McGlauflin

Barbara and Doug Lott

Jim Holtsclaw and Roy Dal Lago Enjoying Daytime Disneyland

Carol and Jim Holtsclaw Enjoying Daytime Disneyland

Roy Dal Lago holding a court hearing

JD Ledbetter discussing the economy

Jim Cook, Ida and Mike Homa, JD Ledbetter

Ed Malo and Hank Anderson

Sue Carey
......Two old ZDC types at Ft. Desoto park
near St. Pete, Fla. Paul Petersen #2310 has been visiting me
this past week (2/20/09). He is 87 years old and is still spry
enough to ride his bike and walk the beaches.
Submitted by Al Benson #2290

Bob Ervin
Bob Ervin our Society
Treasurer, at a Jam Session. They were taken on his 77th
Birthday, January 11th.

Bob and Jam Man

Bob Ervin at 77

Bob, Pat and Ron
Al Benson #2290
Recently some of us old ZDC people have
been sharing some old pictures. I took out some old albums and
scanned a few on to my computer. I thought you might be
interested at seeing them.
The first three pictures I took at a ZDC supervisors picnic.
Probably in the early 70’s.

The whole group.

Front row…Kneeling, Chester Smerdzinski, Rufus Watts, Frank
Standing…Paul Petersen, Eric Foth, Phil Ceconi.
Rear row…Merril LaCroix, Howard Graham, Joe Doyle ( hat) ,
George Bartlett.

Frank Graves, Paul Petersen, Eric Foth, Phil Ceconi.

My graduating class at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City. 1956.
The class was either the first or second class after the CAA
took over facility from the military.
First Row… Gordon Kewer ( Inst.), Dan Enright, Joe Carra, Rex
Steward (Inst.), Pat Bonner, Dough Cooper. Last person
(unknown). I don't remember his name.
Row 2… Leo Fullard, Joe Doyle, Don Cooper, Bill Brown, Bill
Gowers, Bill Finch.
Row 3… BobCoakley, Howard Graham, Al Benson, Bill Morgan
(inst.), Dick Daun, Bob bruce, Frank Cadey.
Joe Carra, Joe Doyle, Bill Brown, Al Benson were assigned ZDC,
arriving at the facility June

Zdcpic4 Controller class Washing ARTCC. Instructor Al Benson
Students… Taking the ATC problem, Charles ( Chuck) Reavis (
future Chief ZDC ), Joe McKinley on left, Lynn Becker, on
Chuck’s right, Al Benson behind Chuck and Don Gregory on Al’s
right….This picture was probably in mid 70’s.
Boeing Airliner in flying condition
Credits to Bob Bartley #2936
This is as it should be - passengers in
closed cabin, pilot in open cockpit so he will stay awake. The
airplane is in Spokane, WA, and is the oldest flying Boeing in
the World.
After 8 years and 8,000 hours of toil the Boeing 40C rolled out
last winter as a finished airplane. They had to wait a few weeks
for the snow to melt to fly this baby. They received their
Standard Airworthiness Certificate from the FAA and completed
the engine pre-oil and fuel flow tests for the first of the taxi
Factoids for the Boeing 40 project: 221 gallons of dope/reducer
and 120 yards of 102 ceconite fabric 12 gallons of poly urethane
paint for the sheet metal. The wings have 33,000 individual
parts in them. The airplane weighs 4080 lbs empty, has a gross
weight of 6075 lbs. It is 34 ft long and 13 feet tall with a
wing span of 44 1/2 feet. Wing loading is 10 lbs per sq ft and
power loading is 10 Pounds per HP. It should cruise at 115 mph
using 28 GPH, and 32 GPH at 120 mph. It carries 120 gallons of
fuel in three tanks.
350 - 2 inch brushes were used to apply 6 gallons of West
Systems epoxy, and 181 rolls of paper towels for cleanup.
There were a total of 62 volunteers who worked on the project to
some degree. 21 of the volunteers did a significant amount of
work, and 9 of the volunteers worked continuously during the 8
year project.

A bunch of us retired Western-Pacific Region friends got
together in October for fun and sun in Myrtle Beach. The Morgans
(Ron and Sabra) hosted a day at their ranch in Fair Bluff, NC.
We all had a wonderful time and enjoyed their ranch, horses,
their great food, wine, and exceptional hospitality. Later in
the week Ron and Sabra invited us all to Barefoot Marina and
Yacht Club where they have a condo and took us for a ride on the
“Touch and Go." Fun was had by all!
Those of us gathering for this fun friend event were: Ron and
Sabra Morgan, Rene Hammond, Jim and Karen Haralson, Stu and
Rickie Hayter, Barbara Kish, Jerry and Barbara Lewis, Linda
Murray and niece Mary Blum, Eileen Partridge, Don and Doris
Roberts, Dave and Ruby Ross, and Lilly Williams.
We found out, while talking with Ron and Sabra, that our old
friends Jerry and Mary Ard who retired out of Washington, DC are
living in Calabash, NC. They joined us for happy hour at the
beach and also a night at the theatre. It sure was great seeing
them again!
We have included here pictures taken at the Morgan Ranch, the
boat ride and other fun times in Myrtle Beach. We are so
thankful that we have such great friends and hope that we can
all continue to get together every few years so we can enjoy
each others company, have fun, laugh and gather for many more
years to come.
Great friends, great joy and great fun – how blessed we are!

Ranch Group - Back Row, left to right: Sabra and Ron Morgan,
Eileen Partridge, Don Robert, Jerry and Barbara Lewis, Dave and Ruby Ross
and Linda Murray. Front Row, left to right: Barbara Kish, Doris
Roberts, Jim Haralson, Rene Hammond, and Lilly Williams

Ruby and Dave Ross and Mary Blum

Eileen Partridge with one of the Morgan's horses

Captain Morgan giving instructions before taking off - Sabra
Morgan, Jim
Haralson, Doris Roberts and Lilly Williams in background

Dave Ross, Ron Morgan and Stu Hayter

Sabra Morgan, Karen Haralson and Barbara Lewis

Jim Haralson

Eileen Partridge, Ruby Ross and Doris Roberts

Doris and Don Roberts

Eileen Partridge and Lilly Williams

Jerry Lewis, Barbara Kish and Rene Hammond

Karen and Jim Haralson, Linda Murray and Don and Doris Roberts

Linda Murray with Morgan's Yacht in background

Waiting for Sunrise - Standing: Jerry and Barbara Lewis, Karen
Haralson, Doris and Don Roberts - Sitting: Ruby Ross, Linda
Murray and Eileen Partridge

Boys on the Beach - Jerry Lewis, Stu Hayter and Don Robers

Girls on the Beach - Barbara Lewis, Doris Roberts, Karen
Haralson and Rene Hammond

Linda Murray on Motorcycle in front of Hard Rock Cafe

Girlfriend Jacuzzi Fun - Linda Murray, Ruby Ross, Eileen
Partridge and Doris Roberts

Rickie Hayter and Ruby Ross after shopping in Calabash, NC

Ron and Sabra Morgan |