A lot of us got together at The Longhorn
BBQ in Auburn, WA on 12/15/11. Pictures of just
a few are attached. A lot more attended
including former ATM's Helen Parke and Terry
Falkner. Jerry Johnson #3582

Ron Karpov, Jerry Johnson, and Jim Mondt.

Ron Karpov, Jerry Johnson, and Jim Mondt.

Rob Jurgensen next to lady on left.

Mike Schmidt, George Samardik, and Danny Grey. 
John Plaster in the middle.

Jim Mondt on the right. 
Lance Miller on the right.
So, I do not think I sent any pictures from
our recent expedition to the East Coast. I will
spare you the details and write it up for my next
yearly summary. But I did want to share these two
pictures. One is from “Captain’s Dinner” one of two
formal events during the Fall Foliage (what a
misnomer, we saw maybe 3 trees that had any fall
color, it had been too hot) and the other from a
primary reason for our stopping in DC, the WWII
Memorial. Both pictures feature my bride as well as
the author. I am happy, proud to say I can still get
into that tuxedo purchased some 30 years ago!!!
Sad to hear about John, I have been a regular
contributor and an avid reader of the remember
column for lo, these many years. Best of fortune to
him! Jim Brown #3220

Paul Petersen's 90th
birthday was on October 22nd. His daughters Susan
and Barbra hosted a party for Paul at his house in
Chatham, Virginia.
Credits to Al Benson #2290

Paul and his family.

Picture 3_ birthday cake.

Picture 2_ daughter Barbra setting candles on cake.
Paul & Susan looking on.

Picture 1_ Paul blowing out candles.
Carol and I recently had
an opportunity to visit with Marge and Paul McAfee in their
beautiful home in Escondido, CA. During our social
conversation Marge brought out the camera and took this
picture. I wanted to share it with the members, especially
those who worked with Paul.
Jim Holtsclaw
Rockville, Maryland
Area Luncheon, June 22, 2011
Submitted by Ken Cohen, Member #3501
We had 18
attendees including a few wives. Warren Lichtenberg was the
picture taker so he does not show up:
From front left in blue shirt George Quinn, Jerry
Bradley, Phil DeCara, Cliff Vogel, Brooks Goldman, Vic
Foose,and Frank Carr.

From front left in blue shirt, Murray Boris, Bill Ornett,
John Nigro, Dave Spokely and his wife, Ed VanDuyne, Jim
Small, Pat Hollaway (friend of Ed's) My wife Marjorie and

Credits to Jim Brown #3220 So I am sitting here in my
den, waiting for a phone call. While doing so my eyes scan
one of my “glory” walls. And I saw this picture. I always
have in the back of my mind the requests that keep coming up
for SOAP, pictures, we need pictures. Here is a picture. Now
the only thing relative to SOAP in any remote way, is that
when this was taken (and I do not have an exact date, I
think around 1949-50) I was employed by the CAA and the
station Chief had suggested (a few years before) that I try
out for a part in a play by the Maui Community Theater. I
was not much past the probation period and in such case I
felt, based on my military experience that a suggestion from
one’s superior was very close to an order. I did try out,
not realizing that in the rather restricted number of
potential actors, a tryout was only a formality. So, I did
get the part. And I was hooked! Through the years since I
have been in many productions and worked on almost every
aspect including directing. This photo is perhaps the third
or fourth play and was called “The Saturday Evening Ghost”
later made into a movie as “The Canterville Ghost”. I am
seen in the part of Lord Archibald Archibald Archibald, a
young English nobleman who lives next door to the
Canterville Castle. I am not at all sure it can be of
any value to SOAP, but I thought you might get a laugh out
of it.
Added note: that Chief had been an actor in
the depression days when the government was sending actors
and other entertainers around to schools and other groups to
“stimulate the economy”. He was in a troupe formed by the
well known actor Frederic March. This Chief was still a very
good actor and quite involved with the local theater. He was
a smash, really a smash in “The Caine Mutiny Court Martial”
when he did Captain Queeq. that was 1954, I can remember
that year at least.
South Jersey SOAP
Credits to Bruce Hiles #3371
On May 12, a few
of the members from South Jersey got together at the
beautiful Smithville Inn for lunch. What started out as a
discussion at the bar for a NARFE meeting five months ago
ended up as Bruce sending e-mails to a dozen members and
Gene sending out four snail mail inquiries? We received
eight responses and seven showed up for a great meal and
even greater afternoon of swapping tall tales and rumors.
Those attending were Rod Bourne, Bernie Garbowski, Anne
Harlan, Ed Shuman, Don Schlots, Bruce Hiles and Gene Wilson.
Everyone expressed positive comments and we are looking
forward to more of the same. Next meeting will be
approximately August. If anyone is in the South Jersey area
at that time, let us know and we will try to accommodate
your schedule. Come by and join the fun.
Bruce and
This picture was taken in
2009 at the MRY Tower Open Golf Tournament.

Fred Kelly #3468,
Pete Lobato, Major Dan Jones (brother of Frank
Jones #3414) and Len Davis #3450.
Credit to Fred Kelly #3468
Very Pleasant Lunch at
the Dockside Restaurant, Vero beach, FL The Ross' were
visiting from Tennessee. Jim
Holtsclaw #2738

Jim Holtsclaw, Carol Campbell, Ruby and Dave Ross,
Stu and Rickie Hayter
Negril Jamaica Trip
February 2011 Jim
Holtsclaw #2738
While in Florida this winter, Carol
and I took a trip to Negril, Jamaica for a few days.
Contrary to what many have told us, the country was very
safe and the people were friendly, gracious and very
After going through Jamaican customs and
immigration (very easy) we found our driver from the resort
and after about 1-1/2 hours we arrived at Moon Dance Cliff
Resort. We were very happy that we did not rent a car. Not
only do the people drive on the left side of the road, they
speed and the roads are in disrepair and very narrow. The
streets are crowded with people trying to cross the road;
there are no sidewalks and no traffic lights. Bicycles are
ever present and it is a wonder that our driver didn't hit
every other person we almost came in contact with.
Arriving at our resort we were given a rum punch to welcome
us; then to our room which was elegant, spacious and boasted
our private Jacuzzi on the patio. After ensuring the fridge
in the room had adequate Red Stripe Light beer we went to
the swim-up bar and met a group of folks from all over the
country. They were attending their annual “Cousins Reunion”.
We admitted that we had never heard of such a thing but they
have been doing it for years.
Later that day and in
the following days we would leave the resort in a cab and
seek out a different area to explore and then to a
restaurant each evening. Negril is located on the west side
of the Jamaican island; therefore each evening sunset is as
stunning as the former. Dinner, while each evening at a
different location, always included a beautiful sunset. One
unique restaurant opens at 4 (sunset was at 6:30) and closes
shortly after the sunset. It’s called Rick’s Café and is
swarming with tourists as the highlight each evening is a
local male diving from a 60 foot plus tree into the ocean
some 40 feet below the cliff. Then as soon as the sun sets
and you finish your last drink (or food) they close the
place up.
The island is hilly, highest one was
probably 2500 feet, totally green and very full of plant
life. Their water supply is excellent coming from
underground springs. They advertise that their water is so
pure the Red Stripe brewing company produces their beer from
Jamaica waters. Their main income is tourism, primarily
American tourists, with some Europeans thrown in. Next is
sugar cane, then coffee, and agriculture producing all types
of vegetables and fruit. Our breakfasts consisted of
watermelon, cantaloupe, papaya, grapefruit and grapes, all
grown in their own country and have a superior flavor and
taste to what we grow in U.S.; and of course their coffee,
which was very rich and appealing.
Without exception
all the Jamaican people we met were very polite, friendly
and they are a nation of beautiful bodies, both male and
female. While Kingston and Montego Bay, some 1-½ hours away
still have some security and safety problems Negril has none
that we were aware of.

Retirees Luncheon and more Warren
Lichtenberg #3161
Last week, several FAA retirees and their
wives met for lunch at the Boca Point Country Club
as the guests of Harvey Kaplan. It was an informal
gathering for deli sandwiches. We proceeded through
a line to a carving station where we had choices of
corned beef, pastrami, tongue and turkey piled about
3 inches thick with a choices of two sides and New
York style pickles. Attending the luncheon were
Larry and Evelyn Williams, Owen and Clair Birnbaum,
Arnie and Paulette Schwartz, Ken and Linda Drews,
Gene Slyman, Irv Mark, Herb Goldstein, Bob Klose,
Harvey Kaplan and Warren and Naomi Lichtenberg. Next
year, we would like to have a luncheon somewhere in
central Florida. If anyone would like to volunteer
to make the arrangements, I would appreciate it.
Also last week, Tome Hopkins and his wife Pat
were my house guests. I had invited Tom to come down
to Florida from his home in Virginia to speak to a
group of high school students in an underprivileged
area of Delray Beach. My men's club has been
providing mentors for young men from that school for
the past two years. In addition to weekly one-on-one
mentoring sessions, every month we have a
motivational speaker talk to the kids about the
importance of a good education and hard work. Tom
was a perfect role model of someone who succeeded in
spite of various obstacles that confronted him. Tom
related to the youngsters very well and several of
them spoke with him at great length after his
prepared presentation.

Here is a picture of Tom and me after we left the
school and met up with our wives for lunch.
55th wedding anniversary at
the “House Without a Key” restaurant in Waikiki the same
restaurant we visited on our fist night as a married pair in
1956. We went there for our 50th anniversary and so went
back again.
Jim Brown #3220
The the first picture is the entertainment
group right on the beach. They did the “Hawaiian Wedding
Song” for us, as was so in 1956 and again in 2006.
Thi is Jim and Doreen toasting our longevity! We met
on the island of Maui in 1955, married there in 1956 and
lived there until 1962 when we came to California. The date
was Jan 21.
2/10/2011 Bay Area FAA
Retiree Luncheon Credits to Bob Anolin #3790
(back row) Bill Garber, Tom McCort, Harvey
Hartmann, Jim Babcock (not retired), (middle row) Rod
Ketchum, Forney Lundy, Louie Martin, Bob Allen, Carroll
Duprel, Ralph Sory, Jerry Audiat, ( own row) Bob Anolin,
(seated) Lowell Thoreson, Ron Johnson, Bob Sauers, Glenn
Coon,Larry Buggie, Harold Heinrichs, Andy Anderson)
I came across this picture of an FAA ARM (Rocky
Mountain) Conference Larry Robison held in Denver, CO when
he was the AT division manager. You may recognize some of
the old timers (now) in the picture. Yes, that me first on
the left seated, Larry, and Dick Failor.
Credits to
Tom Doyle #3496.
Bob Ervin #3517
This picture is one of the clubs I belong to. That's me
on the lower right, the guy to my left playing mandolin is
Albert Young who is simply superb. His band is breaking up
as the bass had to move out of state and the drummer died so
we are thinking of reorganizing with me on guitar and the
vocals that Al doesn't want to do. To my right,
wearing a cap and jacket is Bob Codish. He wrote six of the
songs on Johnie Bassett's latest album, "the Gentleman is
back." His son, Cris Codish, played the keyboard, back up
vocal and produced the album. I personally think it's better
than anything BB King has done in years. The guy
straight ahead is an old blues player who is a music store
manager, the two guys behind Albert are father and son who
are just setting in for the hell of it like most of us do.
Albert is also the foremost Glass Blower in the state and
maybe the Midwest. Operates a studio/school on the edge of
Detroit in an old factory building about two miles from this
place. When we first met we were both surprised to find that
his sister is an Air Traffic Controller at DTW with whom I
worked a couple years before I retired. He also plays with
my Raggle Taggle band when my mandolin player is out of

I play on Thursday night with a group called the Thursday
night Jammers. We do old standards, blues, ragtime; 20's on
up. Our song book was just edited down from 524 songs to
200. And, I met Bill Bynum at that club a year or so
back. He was playing a few songs and I played right along
with him. When, after 6 or 7, he said, "you do pretty good
on stuff you never heard." I said, "how you know I never
heard 'em?" He said, "cause I wrote 'em." We've been friends
ever since.