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Transition Notes - Newsletter Delayed to some members

Bob Long
Date: 3/30/2017 2:13:36 PM


As I am going through the various items in the transition of the Societies business, I've come across a bump in the road. Back in February I had prepared a newsletter that was sent off to the printer and then to USPS to be sent to all members. Unfortunately, I'm having problems getting the newsletters through the post office. On the down side, that means it is slow getting sent out to many of you, (as of today about 75% have been delivered). The remainder are slowly oozing through the post office. To save money, we are using the Standard Postal services, which USPS tells me there is no guarantee of service delivery. I am working to change that and yet keep our costs as low as possible.

On the plus side, I have made a thorough review of all members addresses and made a number of corrections to spellings and format so that next mailing will go smoother! Also, I have asked Ron Cowles to post a PDF copy of the newsletter on our website for you to look at until I can get your hard copy in hand. Thanks for your patience and I will strive to respond quicker to issues like this via the forum and emails as appropriate. If you have questions, don't hesitate to send me a note.

Bob Long, Executive Director, # 3544

© Society of Airway Pioneers
James Holtsclaw, Executive Director
Ron Cowles, Webmaster